“Passkeys and the WebAuthn specification were intended to make public key cryptography accessible to average users, rather than just the domain of the tech-savvy. If done right, they could seriously improve security on the Web.” @Drbruced summarises why passkeys are such a good idea in theory and explains where current implementations of the technology fall down in practice.
Tag: internet
Viele gute Gründe für das Fediverse
“Die vor uns stehenden Umwälzungen der digitalen Transformation sind von historischer Dimension. Sie sind in ihrer Bedeutung vergleichbar mit den Veränderungen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, die die Grundlage für die Menschenrechte und ein friedlich vereintes Europa legten.”
Mario Birkholz sieht die Hochschulen in der Pflicht, ihre digitale Kommunikation mit den Anfoderungen des demokratischen Gemeinwesens in Einklang zu bringen.
A hacker’s perspective: social media account takeover prevention guide
“If you watched the SEC Twitter account hack that moved markets yesterday and wondered how to prevent account takeover for your personal, business, or high profile social media account, here’s an Account Takeover Prevention Guide for you and/or your organization.” @racheltobac neatly summarises the steps you should take to prevent the hijacking of your online accounts.
European Comission gives EU-US data transfers third round at CJEU
“This third attempt to pass largely the same unlawful decision also raises questions as to the larger role of the European Commission being the guardian of the EU treaties. Instead of upholding the ‘rule of law’ the Commission simply passes an invalid decision over and over again, despite clear rulings by the CJEU.” By agreeing the Data Privacy Framework with the US, the European Commission likely prioritised diplomatic and business interests over the rights of Europeans.
Nichts zu verbergen? Ein moderner Mythos und 12 Argumente dagegen
“Aber der Satz und seine Verbreitung schaden viel mehr der Gesellschaft und anderen Menschen, als jenen, die ihn aussprechen. Deshalb sind mir die sozial orientierten Antworten darauf am liebsten: Weil man Menschen damit stigmatisiert, sie unsolidarisch behandelt, ihre Diskriminierungserfahrungen negiert, und weil es Demokratie und Widerstand untergräbt.” @reticuleena legt offen, wie wir unsere Vertrauenswürdigkeit aufs Spiel setzen.
Install and configure SSH on Debian or Ubuntu
SSH is a protocol that enables secure connections over unsecured networks. It supports the use of asymmetric encryption for user authentication. Private keys are kept locally, while public keys are stored on the remote machine.
The following configuration disables root logins on the remote machine. Only users belonging to the group ssh-users may establish a connection. Access to the remote machine is tied to the local user’s private key.
In this example, the name of the remote machine is debian-server, which has the address on the network. sid is a user on debian-server, whereas bookworm is a user on the local machine. Choose an encryption passphrase to secure the private key that you will generate in Step 5.
On the remote machine
Step 1
Install the secure shell server with the following command:
$ sudo apt install --yes openssh-server
Step 2
If you are using ufw as a host-based firewall
Configure ufw to allow connections to the secure shell server.
$ sudo ufw limit ssh
If you are using firewalld as a host-based firewall
Configure firewalld to allow connections to the secure shell server.
$ sudo -- bash -c 'firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=ssh --permanent && firewall-cmd --reload && firewall-cmd --info-zone=public'
Step 3
Restrict access to the remote machine to members of a specific group. Start by creating the group ssh-users.
$ sudo addgroup --system ssh-users
Add the user sid to the group ssh-users.
$ sudo adduser sid ssh-users
On the local machine
Step 4
Install the secure shell client with the following command.
$ sudo apt install openssh-client
Step 5
Generate a new key pair for the local user bookworm:
$ cd ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o -a 100
Save the key pair to the directory /home/bookworm/.ssh/
. Choose a name that facilitates easy identification.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/bookworm/.ssh/id_ed25519): id_ed25519-debian-server
The use of an appropriate passphrase to secure the private key is mandatory.
Step 6
Create the file ~/.ssh/config
to configure the secure shell client.
$ nano ~/.ssh/config
Add the follwing minimal entry for the host debian-server.
Host debian-server
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server
IdentitiesOnly yes
Step 7
Deploy the public key with the following command.
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server.pub sid@debian-server
When prompted to confirm the authenticity of the host debian-server, type yes and press [Enter].
The authenticity of host 'debian-server (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:C9RxLLVbvFwVJc0L4JHzcuHQSaPHJZe/GrRDvqy6rAG. This key is not known by any other names. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
Step 8
Log into the remote machine.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server sid@debian-server
In the next step, enter the passphrase for your private key.
Enter passphrase for key '/home/bookworm/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server':
Step 9
On the remote machine, download a file to harden the ssh server. You are encouraged to inspect its contents.
$ sudo -- bash -c 'wget -P /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ --show-progress https://edafe.de/debian/sshd_config.conf'
Activate the modifications on the remote machine.
$ sudo systemctl restart ssh.service
Step 9
On the local machine, open a new terminal window and run the following command.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server sid@debian-server
In the next step, enter the passphrase for your private key.
Enter passphrase for key '/home/bookworm/.ssh/id_ed25519-debian-server':
Display the active configuration for the remote ssh server and verify its settings, paying particular attention to options for maxauthtries
, permitrootlogin
and passwordauthentication
$ sudo sshd -T
All done!
For more in-depth information, please see stribika’s post-Snowden advice on hardening OpenSSH server installations.
The book SSH The Secure Shell by Daniel Barrett, Richard Silverman and Robert Byrnes is still useful today and has information on other clever stuff you can do with SSH.
Install and configure nullmailer using Fastmail as a smarthost
If you want to receive status updates from your Debian or Ubuntu system, you need to employ the help of a mail tansfer agent (MTA). nullmailer is a relay-only forwarding MTA that can be used as an alternative to more complex MTAs such as Exim, Sendmail or Postfix.
nullmailer can be configured to use Fastmail as a smarthost and hence ensure the deliverability of your messages. In principle, these instructions should also be applicable to service providers other than Fastmail.
In the following example configuration, debian
is the hostname, bookworm
the local username and linus.torvalds@fastmail.com
the Fastmail username.
Step 1
Log into your Fastmail account and set up a new app password for SMTP authentication.
Step 2
Create the new directory /etc/nullmailer
and the file /etc/nullmailer/adminaddr
$ sudo mkdir /etc/nullmailer && sudo nano /etc/nullmailer/adminaddr
Your Fastmail username is the only entry in /etc/nullmailer/adminaddr.
Step 3
Install the required packages.
$ sudo apt-get install --yes nullmailer mailutils
Step 4
Perform the initial configuration using debconf
. Reconfigure nullmailer
at any time after the initial installation using the following comand.
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure nullmailer
Setting the mail name
Set the system mail name. If you are setting up on a home network, you should use home.arpa
as the domain name.
Configuring nullmailer Mailname of your system: debian.home.arpa Ok
Configuring the smarthost
Set the Fastmail server as the smarthost. Use the app password you set in Step 1.
Configuring nullmailer
smtp.fastmail.com smtp --port=587 --auth-login --starttls --user=linus.torvalds@fastmail.com --pass=password
Step 5
Test your configuration with the following command.
$ echo "Test mail from nullmailer on debian.home.arpa to the local root user and forwarded on to Fastmail" | mail -s "Test nullmailer" root
Check your Inbox, Linus!
The process of security
“Security is a process, not a product. Products provide some protection, but the only way to effectively do business in an insecure world is to put processes in place that recognize the inherent insecurity in the products.” Bruce Schneier acknowledges that in information technology perfect security probably doesn’t exist.
Trust the process, Tina!