Die verlogene Ehre der Alice S.

“Sie hat nur getan, was sie tun musste, um rechtlich auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, und das ist der Grund, warum man ihren Fall öffentlich machen sollte. Einen Fall, nicht für Juristen, aber für Journalisten, über die Bigotterie eines ehemaligen Vorbilds.” Für Jürgen Dahlkamp hat Alice Schwarzer ihre Ehre durch Steuerhinterziehung verspielt, auch wenn sie der Strafverfolgung durch eine Absurdität des deutschen Strafrechts entgeht.


What the fluck!

“I think there is an equally diffuse malaise today—waiting for a new kind of journalism to bring it into focus. Like with McClure’s it won’t be just a catalogue of shocking facts—it will be an imaginative leap that pulls all the scandals together and shows how they are part of some new system of power that we don’t fully comprehend.” Adam Curtis attempts to define the point at which journalism fails and modern power begins.


Reaktion auf das Offene Mikro der NPD

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“Für all diejenigen, die den Nazi-Müll jetzt gleich entsorgen wollen: wir haben auch Müllsäcke dabei!”

Patrick Dahlemann

How the NSA threatens national security

“Our choice isn’t between a digital world where the agency can eavesdrop and one where it cannot; our choice is between a digital world that is vulnerable to any attacker and one that is secure for all users.” Bruce Schneier regards ubiquitous surveillance as a quixotic undertaking that does nothing to keep us safe and does everything to undermine the very societies we seek to protect.


Brainwashed by the cult of the super-rich

“The rich are not merely different: they’ve become a cult which drafts us as members. We are invited to deceive ourselves into believing we are playing for the same stakes while worshipping the same ideals, a process labelled ‘aspiration’.” Priyamvada Gopal does not regard vast economic inequalities as either natural or just.


Ken Box: crazy cart Gymkhana!

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Reason for inventing YouTube in the first place: first-rate parody of Gymkhana Five featuring Ken Box behind the wheel!

The psychology of evil

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“Paradoxically, it was God who created Hell as a place to store evil. He didn’t do a good job of keeping it there, though.”

Philip Zimbardo

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