How the NSA betrayed the world’s trust—time to act

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“And whoever tells you that they have nothing to hide simply haven’t thought about this long enough. ‘Cause we have this thing called privacy. And if you really think that you have nothing to hide, please make sure that’s the first thing you tell me, because then I know that I should not trust you with any secrets because obviously, you can’t keep a secret [sic]”

Mikko Hypponen

Reaktion auf das Offene Mikro der NPD

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“Für all diejenigen, die den Nazi-Müll jetzt gleich entsorgen wollen: wir haben auch Müllsäcke dabei!”

Patrick Dahlemann

Ken Box: crazy cart Gymkhana!

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Reason for inventing YouTube in the first place: first-rate parody of Gymkhana Five featuring Ken Box behind the wheel!

The psychology of evil

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“Paradoxically, it was God who created Hell as a place to store evil. He didn’t do a good job of keeping it there, though.”

Philip Zimbardo

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