Die Barbaren sind wir

“Empörend ist aber das kalte Schulterzucken, mit dem viele Politiker, Journalisten, Leitartikler das hinzunehmen oder, schlimmer, voranzutreiben scheinen, diese europäische Regression, dieses kontinentale und institutionelle Versagen angesichts der Flüchtlinge.” Georg Diez sieht gemeinsame europäische Werte in Gefahr und reaktionäre Eliten in der Verantwortung.


IQ2 Racism Debate: Stan Grant

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“…everytime we are lured into the light, we are mugged by the darkness of this country’s history. Of course, racism is killing the Austrailian Dream! It is self evident, that it’s killing the Australian Dream! But we are better than that.”

Stan Grant

Can we afford to ignore what Katie Hopkins says about migrants drowning in the Med?

“So while we ought noisily to challenge her incitement to hatred and violence against the most vulnerable groups in society and to condemn the fact that major media outlets are providing her with the microphone to do this, we also need to organise for a different kind of politics in which those escaping war and poverty are welcomed and not left to drown in the seas that surround us.“ Des Freedman regards Katie Hopkins as merely a sideshow in an age of neoliberal politicians protecting uninhibited cross-border flow of capital while barring people fleeing poverty and persecution and refusing to help them when they vanish into the sea.


If you hate the migrants in Calais, you hate yourself

“Workers for international relief agencies say that the TV crews never see the real smugglers and their cargoes. They operate from remote French and Belgium towns and quietly arrange for transport to Britain without anyone noticing.
Instead of concentrating on them, public hatred is focused on the most visible and vulnerable migrants. When I arrived at the Calais camp, I could sort of see why. You feel you are in an African slum when you get here. I confess that I was grateful to be with a group of reporters rather than on my own. But my trepidation did not last. I realised my fears were silly as soon as I started talking to the polite and serious refugees around me.” Nick Cohen reminds us of the fact that, one way or another, our common ancestors were migrants.


Grenzen dicht — Europas Pakt mit Despoten

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“Es gehört ja zum ewigen Credo deutscher und europäischer Flüchtlingspolitik, daß man die Fluchtursachen in den Herkunftsländern bekämpfen will. Doch was ist damit eigentlich gemeint? Mehr Demokratie oder mehr Unterdrückung? Und wer soll da wirklich bekämpft werden? Die Diktaturen oder die Flüchtlinge? Bisher haben Europas Regierungen ihre konkreten Pläne zur Zusammenarbeit mit afrikanischen Staaten unter Verschluss gehalten. Vielleicht auch deshalb, weil ein Pakt mit Despoten so gar nicht zum Bild einer Europäischen Union passt, die für Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte stehen will.”

Georg Restle

Britain’s criminally stupid attitudes to race and immigration are beyond parody

“We fear the arrival of immigrants that we have drawn here with the wealth we stole from them. For much of the rest of the world we must be the focus of bitter amusement, characters in a satire we don’t understand.” Frankie Boyle is not even trying to be funny.



“There is an inverse relationship between utility and reward. The most lucrative, prestigious jobs tend to cause the greatest harm. The most useful workers tend to be paid least and treated worst.” While this inverse relationship doesn’t always hold, George Monbiot still maintains that our lives are damaged not by the undeserving poor but by the undeserving rich.


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